NiQin shared an aphorism: 这是极为特殊的历史转折期,物质文明发展到这一步注定了精神(信仰)的缺失,灵魂空虚、物欲横流,人们的精神堕入虚无主义,只能沉浸在金钱物质欲望和肉体感官刺激中,有各种不安和痛苦。多少年轻人也失去了纯真的理想和纯美的爱情。这绝不仅是我们这个星球上的生命的悲剧,而是任何一种生命在文明发展进程中注定的悲哀。生命的意义到底是什么?我们到底该怎样活着? -- 《重大人生启示录 - 前言》

Web Juniper Book (GraphQL server for Rust) No.633565827093ceeeec072e80 Alternative URL

NiQin updated at 2022-09-29 17:29:38+08:00

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Hits: 47424

Keys/tags: rust graphql-rust graphql-server graphql-服务器 juniper-book juniper-手册

Juniper is a GraphQL server library for Rust. Build type-safe and fast API servers with minimal boilerplate and configuration.

GraphQL is a data query language developed by Facebook intended to serve mobile and web application frontends.

Juniper makes it possible to write GraphQL servers in Rust that are type-safe and blazingly fast. We also try to make declaring and resolving GraphQL schemas as convenient as possible as Rust will allow.

Juniper does not include a web server - instead it provides building blocks to make integration with existing servers straightforward. It optionally provides a pre-built integration for the Hyper, Iron, Rocket, and Warp frameworks, including embedded Graphiql for easy debugging.


Juniper supports the full GraphQL query language according to the specification (October 2021), including interfaces, unions, schema introspection, and validations. It does not, however, support the schema language.

As an exception to other GraphQL libraries for other languages, Juniper builds non-null types by default. A field of type Vec<Episode> will be converted into [Episode!]!. The corresponding Rust type for e.g. [Episode] would be Option<Vec<Option<Episode>>>.

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